Sunday, March 20, 2011

Take Me To Your Linguist

Every aspect of watching Tegan develop is entertaining and often times very humorous. She learned to crawl by chasing cats, motor skills from diligent practice and learned to eat by watching her dad (or so I'm guessing by the way she seems to be a bottomless pit and always seems to make a mess). The area of her development that I find to be the most interesting and coinsidently, the most hilarious, is her speech.

Now I need you to take a moment to remember a few classic films from the 80's, Gremlins and E.T. Now take these two "voices" (particularly E.T.'s drunk voice) and mash them together, add in a little velociraptor from Jurassic Park and some Darth Vader and that is what my child sounds like when she "baby talks". Honestly. yes, she throws in the occasional "dadda" and what not, but most of the time she sounds like something from another planet or at least a different species. 

I know it's just her way of practicing speech, and that all those silly sounds that remind me of a singing Mogwi will eventually turn into "mama's",  "I love you's" and "I hate folding the laundry!'s".  It's just not what I expected. I thought kids were supposed to make some cute "gaga" sounds and laugh, not scream and yell and make death metal growls. 

So I guess for now, I'll just enjoy Tegan's stellar ability to imitate aliens and fuzzy little monsters before her words turn into things I'll wish she never learned how to say. I mean, aside from maybe singing like Hall and Oates or turning into a unicorn, there aren't many cooler things than a kid who can do a spot on E.T. voice.

(Calling the mother ship)

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