Monday, April 11, 2011

A&E Series In The Making or Baby Genius?

Tegan has always exhibited some rather interesting behaviors when playing. I'm sure all kids do. Actually, I'm pretty sure most things that kids do are peculiar and certainly hilarious to say the least.  One of the first things I noticed she would always do with her toys was what I referred to as her "leave no man behind" mentality.

Whenever she would be playing and want to go from one part of the house to another, she felt like everything needed to come with her. Not just a favorite, but anything she was around. So she'd sit there and crawl half as inch grab a few toys, move them, crawl another few inches, realize she dropped Panda, 2 crawls back, turn around, grab him, drop the shoelace, go back again, decide she needs the block to come too, back 3 steps again, now grab your partner, spin to the left and dosey get the point.

These days she's all about being outside. Pushing her little cart around. With a balloon tied to it. Filled with "stuff." Does this sound strangely familiar?  You may recognize this character from such places as a bus stop on Apache Blvd, or a park bench in Downtown Phoenix. She looks like a crazy bag lady! Roaming around the yard collecting leaves and rocks and  bird heads (kidding) to put in her cart. While the resemblance to a transient can be unsettling at times, mostly I'm impressed with how systematic her "collecting" is. Like a little miniature archaeologist (or crazy person). The verdict is still out.

So she goes to an area, has a seat on the ground next to her cart and begins. She picks it up or off or whatever and then looks at it for a while. If it passes first inspection than it goes to level two inspection in which it is placed in the mouth. If it tastes...."something" enough, then it's a keeper and goes to the cart, where she then puts it in and takes it out 37 (okay, maybe 36) times before deciding it's in the right place. On to the next spot. A well oiled machine, this process.

Maybe these things are all normal. Maybe your kid does it too. I have no idea. I've never done this before. So until I start finding boxes under her bed that contain cat hair she's collected and rolled into perfect little balls, I'm not gonna worry too much.

(My Little Transient)

(Inspection Process)

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