What I couldn't do without is all the information. EVERYTHING has been researched and studied and researched again, and found to be previously incorrect, and corrected and put in a book, or on a blog, or a website, or answered by some lady named "Bobbysmommy33" on Yahoo Answers.
My current problem is that I'm at the end of my book. I had the pregnancy books and the first years books and now what? Is there a year two manual? I mean, there better be? The nerd in me needs another book! I have no idea what to do with the "second years" Tegan! When will she form sentences, and how do I deal with big girl beds and feces throwing (See! I can't even seem to remember if I'm raising a one year old human or a chimp!)
I mean, Josh and I had pretty much zero experience with kids prior to Miss Tegan...I mean, really zero. I can't actually recall having changed a diaper...ever. And while I may write like I'm some bad ass, go with the flow kind of mom (which I am), I have to be educated on anything I take on. Even if I decide what I read was total garbage. So I need the books.
While I do realize the Internet and other forms of 21st century research will still exist in 8 days, and my ability to google "how many wet diapers should a 12 month old that's weaning but drinks water have" and get an exact answer, I liked the comfort that came with the monthly manual. The feeling of "so that is normal...huh...good to know" when I would read the chapter for her point in development. Or the even better feeling of "I knew my kid was going to be a fucking genius" when she had reached milestones 2 and 3 chapters ahead.
So maybe I can't get a month-by-month breakdown of what (not so) Baby Bird is likely to unveil next. Maybe that's okay. This last year of parenting has really lead to me feeling like I know Tegan, and that I can handle anything she can throw at me. Perhaps I can even handle it on instinct. And just maybe I'll decide I don't need a book at all. I mean, how much harder can a one year old really be?
(Can someone tell me which chapter covers desk climbing?)
You have a REALLY sturdy desk. This is good. They don't make 'em like that anymore, and (really) I wonder why. :/