Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Bags Are Packed, I'm ready To Go.

I've always been a "throw some shit in a duffle bag, and pray you have enough chonies" kind of packer. None of this spending two days laying out clothes, creating checklist and strategically calculating laundry. I already know a handful of you (Erin) who are wondering if this means there's something wrong with you, and until three days ago, I would have said yes.

Oh children, how they change EVERYTHING. If you are a soon to be parent, or just someone dabbling at the idea of starting a family, let me be very clear...EVERYTHING. Sleep, personal life, eating habits, clothing selection, weekend activities, spending, travel, housing, social life, and even friends. I'm not complaining in any way. I would give up friends and vacations, and even mexican food to have this crazy kid in my life.

So there I was, transformed into some crazy packing mommy machine, creating a list and checking it twice. Packing things like baby spoons, bath toys, bedtime stories and sound machines. It was a process that one would think should relieve some stress of trying to remember so much, but the reality is, I was far more stressed trying to remember to remember than not remembering would have actually caused. Phew.

The two-headed packing monster has crawled back into its cave and the house (mainly Josh) is free from its wrath until next trip. So we are off to Texas this afternoon which means I will not be blogging while there, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that the plane ride, sleeping away from home, and Tegan meeting all her little cousins (all firsts) will result in some delightful reading material. This is of course assuming I survive the whole ordeal.

So we are all packed (I think) or at least Tegan is, and ready for what couldn't be called anything other than a (mis)adventure. It remains to be seen if I will have enough chonies, or hell, pants for that matter.


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