Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let Me 'Splain. No, There is Too Much. Let Me Sum Up.

No, no, no. You need not worry. Parenting has not led me to give up technology for the greater good of my family unit, or forced me to hang myself in my bathroom. I've simply been way to busy with real life to justify telling the 7 people that read this about it...especially considering you probably already know. But through some sort of miracle I have managed to muster up enough brain cells and clever one liners to do the damn thing, so I'll give you few dedicated readers a fix (seester).

Tegan is still awesome. Duh. She is still very clever and curious. Also duh. What is new however is her ability to run, say some particularly cute words, climb out of the bathtub on her own (not cool), and newly developed gift for circus performing. Oh, and she enjoys working with finite math. No big deal. These of course are just a few things because for me to sit her and type a list of accomplishments that I could immediately check off would be super fun for me, being that I love a good list, especially one that's fulfilled, but not so much fun for you.


She also has grown a bit more hair...and I really mean a "bit" like if Einstein had peach fuzz...yikes. I'm pretty sure she is going to be "our adorable son" until she's 8.

"The Do"

Tegan's love for Sampson was quickly replaced with Panda which was even more quickly replaced by Big Bear. It's like (500) Days of Tegan, and Panda is just a chubbier version of that indie kid. Total bummer. Oh young love.

"The other guy"

While she may not look like a jerky teenager yet, she certainly no longer looks like a baby which has pointed me to the reality that I should no longer look like I've just had a baby. I fear that calling my undeniable "pooch" baby weight when she's 37 may not be greeted with much sympathy, so I'm going to get back in shape. Or at least talk about it a lot for the next few weeks until I again realize having time to shower let alone break a sweat is few and far between. Thus convincing myself that really working would just cause more harm than good in the long run. Totally logical.

"All grownsed up"

So we're all still alive. Miss Tegan is moving right along. And for the most part all is well. Sure we have shitty days (literally), and sometimes I can't remember to put shoes on her, but no matter how bad it may seem sometimes, you gotta stay positive. See the glass half full. I mean come on, we've always got naked  Wednesdays. 
