Sunday, May 8, 2011

There's More To It Than Beans for Breakfast.

"I just want some huevos rancheros!" is what was likely being screamed through my tears this time last year. While this sounds like some terrifying Mother's Day nightmare you heard a women share at work about her in-laws, it wasn't like that. In my defense I had a 3 week old baby and my hormones and sleep cycle and overall brain functions were all over the place. Not to mention, I had put on clothes and a bra and I think even a little make up and it was all gonna go to waste.

All I wanted to do was eat out. Eat something other than reheated somethings that someone brought me. I wanted to go have delicious huevos rancheros and show off my super cute new kid and show the world how awesomely awesome everything was. Nope. Instead we ate bagels and fruit in my living room. It was fine, and as quickly as my sleepless hormonal rage had risen, it silenced itself. It wasn't what I wanted but in the end it was a great day with food (that wasn't huevos rancheros) and my awesome (and very tolerant) family.

Here we are now, a year later, on my second Mother's Day with what feels like a whole different life. While I am slightly better rested and hopefully more sane, challenges are still there. Now they just involve a little girl who wants to walk around rather than eat and open every cabinet rather than be passed around a table. These problems may seem like a way bigger deal than eggs and beans, but there were no tears this year. Instead we had an awesome day eating and playing and doing whatever the hell we wanted and it as awesome. No stiff dresses or buffets or gifts to swap, just a day of being happy to be happy about being a mom. And I was, and I am.

(Best thing I ever did)

Monday, May 2, 2011

And One Day She'll say, "...I'm Just Like My Mother..."

Tegan looks like her dad...or so I am told every time the two of them are in the same room. And usually, without fail, a sad little smile and head tilt is directed at me immediately following. Hey man, I don't mind that she looks like her dad because I married him and I am shallow and would never marry an ugly person. Kidding.

But seriously, like I'm offended that she doesn't look like me. Like every night as I fall asleep I curse the universe for not giving my daughter my perfectly shaped eyes and gorgeous cheek bones. (Perhaps I'm selling myself up a bit.) I actually don't care that she looks nothing like me, and that is because while her appearance maybe that of her father, her personality is all like her mommy.

Yep. She's me...just tinier and less opinionated. She is easily frustrated, and likes cats, and one of her top five favorite things to do is vacuum (or help me do it any way). She's loud and silly but also super serious when she gets into something and loves pineapple and is partial to monochromatic animals (mostly pandas). Yep, me.

There are some qualities that she possesses that I am certain didn't come from me, like her constant flatulence (dad), and her interest in bad 90's smooth R&B. Still haven't figured out were that came from. But for the most part, she's a feisty lady just like her mama.  Now I'd like to think this was all do to my potent genes when it came to that whole creation thing, but I will agree that maybe, just maybe, some it has to do with her being around me all day...maybe. Nah, I'm sticking with the super genes theory.

So she can look like her dad, he's handsome. And it's great that she's got some of his greatest parts. She will take habits and characteristic and traits from both of us and be whatever Tegan's personality is.  But really, no need for the sad little smiles and sympathetic head tilts because she may not look like me, but there is no doubt that right now, she's her mama through and through.

(My little impatient panda lover)